Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Alas, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too hard or too wonderful for You--" Jeremiah 32:17 (AMP)

Life since graduation has been nothing short of CRAZY! It's about time I blog about my hardships and joys I've been experiencing in this new stage of life.

I'm closer than ever to the career I have anxiously awaited my whole life. I'm financially supporting myself for the first time. I'm thriving. But I am only thriving because God has been SO good.

The past 9 months have been arguably the scariest of my life. At one point I had no idea where I was going to live and if I was going to lose my job. I pretty much freaked out and left God out of the picture. He still provided. I moved in with Lisa, not knowing where I was going to go when she and Tim got married..but I knew that was the best decision. SeaWorld promoted me to part-time from seasonal. Part-time isn't the best, but it was much needed job security. God was faithful.

Then I was only working 1-2 days a week. I freaked again! How do I support myself on 10 hours a week? [one problem is that I ask "how do I support myself?! like I'm the one who takes care of me and in control..still working on letting God take care of me] I searched and searched for a second job. Just when I thought all hope was lost, He provided again. Spark! Enrichment Center. A job that would work amazingly with my SeaWorld schedule and build my character. I have learned so much while working at Spark! ..about myself and I've gained so many important career skills. The pay is incredibly low, but this job plus SeaWorld met my needs. I don't have much, but I have always had enough.

I've complained. I've envied. I've been angry. Yet in reality, I have no right to do that. I have what I need and all I have the right to do is be thankful.

This past year I have been tried spirtitually, emotionally, relationally, physically, oh my the list goes on!!

I really feel like it should be documented because I know one of these days I'm going to look back and realize that I made it. Or should I say WE made it. I could not have done it alone.

Nothing is too hard for my God :) He's worthy of trust!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. yay! Love it. Keep blogging. It's so much fun to look back. And yes, remember that even when you're at your lowest of lows, that His promises are new every morning. So encouraging. No need to fret, He's got it. and He WON'T let us slip through the cracks!! :D
